Author: Rifai
Version: 3.0.0
**Solstice Dark stock icons** - 3200 icons - 40 Alt icons included Tweaked IOS 18 icons - Settings icons - Folder effect - Notifction Badges To theme settings icons download [SnowBoard Settings Icons Extension]( **To request custom icons for specific apps, you can use telegram bot or via email** 1. Icon Requests [Telegram Bot]( @IconRequestsBot , 2. Icon Requests [Email](mailto:[email protected]) **When making a request via email, Please provide** 1. Theme name 2. Bundle ID - App Name 3. Bundle ID - App Name **To find the Bundle ID of an app, you can use one of the suggested Telegram bots** 1. Bundle IDs Finder 1 [Telegram Bot]( @BundleIDFinderBot 2. Bundle IDs Finder 2 [Telegram Bot 2]( @BundleIDsFinderBot 3. or visit the OffCornerDev website [OffCornerDev](
iOS 5.0 – 17.5.